Why Pure Senzes
Pure Senzes this is a community that truly cares. It’s a place where kindness meets wellness. It’s all the feels. A community with a sense of spirit. A place to come as you are and a place where you can feel comfortable, be happy, be seen, be heard, be vulnerable and to just have so much fun. A welcoming place where people from all walks of life come together and share experiences. There are fun events, weekly zooms, excursions and classes just to name some things but beyond that it’s a team like no other. Community is huge and there is just so much love. It’s truly a place to call home.
How to Join the Pure Senzes Community?
When you get your Starter Bundle with any of our members, you are automatically a part of our community! Yes, that's all it takes.
Connect with the person who introduced you to Young Living and start there, or send me an email and I will help you get started.
What Others Say about Pure Senzes
Michelle L.
Since becoming a member of Pure Senzes I’ve come such a long way in every aspect of my life. I feel like I’ve grown leaps and bounds. I’ve gained so much more knowledge about Young Living’s amazing product line and how I can incorporate it into my daily life. I’ve developed friendships with wonderful people that will last a lifetime. I’ve also finally found my voice. I’ve learned how to share the Young Living lifestyle the right way and how to build a business. I’ve also become a part of a loving and welcoming community that is continually evolving and growing. I’m so excited for what the future holds for the Pure Senzes team.
Sarah S.
I love being a part of the Pure Senzes community. Not only do we celebrate each other’s successes, we have access to information via our very own website and app where we can find exhaustive research available at our fingertips to support us in our wellness journey. If I’m not able to find the information I’m looking for, I know our community is there to help answer any of my questions. Even though I haven’t been a member for very long I truly feel like I’ve found an amazing group of wonderful friends who are always willing to help and cheer me on towards success and I’m so grateful to be on this journey with them!
Jennifer RG.
Pure Senzes community has become so much more than I could ever imagine.
A friend introduced me to Young Living. Young Living introduced me to a new world of possibility, heath, transition and a continuous community of learning. These two opportunities merged together to give me more than I could have imagined - a community of like-minded, energetic, creative, beautiful visionaries who have a desire to love on the world one person at a time through education, sharing and support.
Olga B.
The Pure Senzes community welcome you as family and never give up on you. They’re the push (sometimes kick) you need in life to reach your full potential. It’s not often other people want to see you succeed, Pure Senzes not only wants to see you succeed, but they help you get there. It’s definitely a privilege to be apart of such an uplifting community.