My Story
Hi there! My name is Sarah Shankland I’ve been an entrepreneur for almost 17years. I own a successful cleaning business. Prior to that I volunteered with the breakfast club of Canada for over 10yrs. My formal education is in business and I specialized in accounting. However, I found that accounting was not my passion so staying true to my entrepreneurial heart I decided to leave my corporate job to start my business and focus on raising my family. As with many people, I found Young Living organically through a friend. I was so impressed with the essential oils and the commitment to natural wellness that I knew I had to be involved. I love working with Young Living because of the positive community support, ample scientific research into the products as well as the resources available to further my learning and growth. Whenever I have questions I feel confident knowing that I can have the answers readily available. Being a member of Pure Senzes gives you exclusive access to the extensive team website, app and online support communities. Since there are no chemicals, additives or toxins, I feel safe helping my family, friends and pets with their health, using products I can trust by Young Living, especially with their “seed to seal” promise. Connect with me if you would like to learn more. I would love to chat with you and see how I can support and be of service to you.
My Referral Link
Tel: 705-331-3576
By setting up your FREE Young Living account with me as your sponsor and enroller, I will be here to help and support you to achieve your wellness goals. Young Living is all about Wellness, Purpose and Abundance so don’t wait and start being the best version of yourself today.